Home » Ingredients » Turkey

Domestic Turkey

The domesticated turkey is a large poultry bird. (...) Despite the name, turkeys have no direct relation to the country of Turkey and are native to North America.

Both fresh and frozen turkeys are used for cooking; as with most foods, fresh turkeys are generally preferred, although they cost more.

Source: Wikipedia

Turkey and the Dukan Diet

Turkey is allowed on the Dukan diet in all the phases

Turkey meat comes in a variety of forms:

  • Turkey Ham
  • Ground - a lean alternative to other ground meats
  • Whole bird - great for roasting and plenty of leftovers for more meals
  • Things or breasts

This type of meat seems to be a perfect match for the diet, as it's extemely low fat and full of protein.

When cooking very often it can be used as a replacement for chicken in recipes. You just need to bare in mind that it tends to be a bit drier and might need stronger flavouring


Smoked Turkey Legs by joshbousel
Source: joshbousel (Flickr)


Amount per 100g
Calories 89
Total Fat 733mg
Saturated Fat 215mg
Sodium 1g
Total Carbohydrate 3g
Fibre 0g
Sugars 900mg
Protein 18g
Source: WolframAlpha

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